
记录咖啡静置时间 LED显示器可以记录 研磨的时间间隔(文老师slingshot磨豆机)

记录咖啡静置时间 LED显示器可以记录 研磨的时间间隔(文老师slingshot磨豆机)


At present, there is a hype around the fresh on demand grinder, but what is fresh? 10 sec, 2 min etc.. There isn’t a grinder on the market that is really fresh on demand, there is always a retention of several grams of ground coffee in the coffee chamber.
We decided to monitor the grinding time to give the barista a tool to determine when the coffee is at its best.
Our research shows that freshly roasted coffee performs at its optimum when the ground coffee has rest time between grinding and pouring.

记录咖啡静置时间 LED显示器可以记录 研磨的时间间隔 ,让咖啡师轻松监控咖啡的静置时间。

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记录咖啡静置时间 LED显示器可以记录 研磨的时间间隔(文老师slingshot磨豆机)



记录,咖啡,静置,时间 ,LED,显示器,可以记录 ,研磨的,时间间隔 ,让,咖啡师,轻松,监控,咖啡的静置时间
